Saturday, October 16, 2010

Motorcycles go vroom vroom!!!

Well today we went out and watched some great guys race some sweet bikes. In honor of that and an awesome anime that I have been turned on to I give you these AMVs.

Kino's journey is an anime that did not run for very long but is one of the coolest anime's that I have ever seen. The series follows and young woman who goes about traveling meeting new people and changing their lives at times with her neutral good attitude. She is more neutral often then not and tries her best to just let people live their lives how they choose no matter how crazy some other people may think they are. She is amazing with a gun and carries numerous knives on her person, one of which is a four shot gun as well as a knife. The best thing about the whole anime is her talking motorbike that helps her with everything and is always at her side.  This is an anime that I recommend everyone to see at least once and here are some AMV's done using this anime.


  1. We must go on a journey of our own someday, Wolfy <3

  2. Never seen this anime, I did quite like the first AMV though.

  3. Thanks for reminding me to watch this, I think it looks good

  4. Kino is awesome, Thunderdrome was awesome, bikes are awesome, you are awesome.

  5. I don't have near enough patience to collect clips to make an amv :|

  6. Sounds like a good anime. I'll check it out sometime.

  7. some pretty cool AMVs you have there!

    I'm gonna follow you, if you ever get the time check my blog.

  8. haven't seen this anime yet. seems pretty cool. i think i'll download this.

  9. nice vid i like it thnx

  10. Can't watch, but I'll be taking a look later for sure though!

  11. I really like the second AMV, thanks for sharing more great ones :)
